
The founding team
We are six young people, full of love for the world and the individual beauty of people.
Zippora Marti launched thoughts of september in the fall of 2018, and the team gradually formed until we founded seasons stories GmbH together in January 2021. Since then, Stefanie, Anna, Erica and Mathilda have joined our team!

Zippora (she / her)
Has lived with her favorite person in Lucerne since 2018, where she founded thoughts of september in 2019 together with this wonderful and versatile team. Here she has a hand in almost all areas (design, material sourcing, production, community management, marketing, web, accounting...) and makes sure that nothing is forgotten in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
- the smell of rain
- when the wind ruffles the hair
- Hugs
- Animals (and everything else) with 8 legs
- cold meal
- Fabric softener

Jessica (she / her)
Originally from Valais, she has lived in Lucerne with her small family for almost 9 years. She joined thoughts of september during the first crowdfunding; she was so enthusiastic about the project that she quickly became part of the team. You'll see Jess in our stories from time to time, in addition to social media she also does a lot of work for the website, events and also takes care of your orders from time to time.
- the smell of freshly washed laundry
- all kinds of creative - sewing, knitting, pottery, painting...
- the sound of rain
- Pigeons
- Narrow-mindedness
- the sound of snot in the nose

Kira (she / her)
Lives near Lucerne with her husband and son, who is currently turning her life upside down. She's always there when she's not exploring the world and all its beautiful places. She has been with thoughts of september since it was founded and is responsible for design, fit and production.
- discover new places
- Festivals (and music, of course)
- People who make her laugh
- organized days
- Fennel
- early rising in winter

Bruno (he / him)
The Belgian now lives in Munich, his favorite city, where he likes to spend his days with a good book, music, on his bike or by the Isar. As a former journalist and with his talent for picking people up and inspiring them, he has been in charge of our communication since 2019.
- the freedom on a bike
- Music and everything that has to do with it
- the smell of grass after the rain
- cleaning and PowerPoint presentations
- short-term thinking and dating apps
- the thought of having the right to own everything

Aaron (he / him)
Lives in Affoltern am Albis, but is actually at home in IT, which is why he prefers to think directly in zeros and ones. Although the fashion world is new territory for him, he dreams of a more sustainable world, which is also the reason why he has set his heart on thoughts of september .
- the diversity of the world and its people
- the sound of water
- Stories that transport him to other worlds
- the darkness and cold of winter
- Intolerance
- Fragrance tree

Misha (he / him)
Lives, loves, cooks, eats and enjoys life in Lucerne, from where he loves to go on short and long trips on his old Vespa. Mischa finds answers to difficult questions every day at thoughts of september , but is otherwise more active in the background: Sending out mailings, setting up trade fair stands, writing blog articles, but above all he helps to put the brakes on when the rest of us want too much again.
- the rattle of my Vespa
- long game evenings
- Sports (watch)
- Ignorance and intolerance
- bad odors
- Leg fractures and torn ligaments (really full shit)

Stefanie (she / her)
Having grown up in Entlebuch, this creative mind, who is bursting with ideas and creativity, now lives in beautiful Schüpfheim. Stefanie needs a lot of variety, which she definitely gets through her work in her own studio, SL Cosmetics, teaching in a ski school and production at thoughts of september .
- Sports, especially skiing and rock `n` roll dancing.
- Relaxed evenings with friends
- and with it a gin and tonic
- bad tempered people
- uncomfortable clothing
- Fog

Anna (she / her)
Anna is a trained clothing designer. She grew up in Langenthal and travels a lot.
She runs the Frischpunkt organic food store in Huttwil and has been working in our production department since the end of August.
For Anna, going back to sewing offers a nice balance and she also enjoys helping out at events.
- Chocolate, but dark chocolate please
- Dogs and many other animals
- Seasonal and regional products
- Perfume
- spicy food
- Pushy people

Mathilda (she / her)
Mathilda has been working with us in production since November 2023. She originally comes from France and found her way to Switzerland for love. She loves working with textiles, after all, she also studied textile design. In her free time, she enjoys spending time in the mountains with her partner.
- Japanese food
- Stroking every animal you meet
- Being out and about in the mountains
- Spicy food
- Loud people
- When it is warmer than 30° C

Erica (she / her)
After a busy career in work integration, Erica complements her new life in retirement by working for us. She packs your orders, supports us with bookkeeping and at trade fairs. She lives with her husband in Lucerne and enjoys hiking in the mountains in her free time.
- The freedom to decide how long and where they want to go
- Bircher muesli
- Positive people
- Unfriendliness
- long car journeys
- Squealing train brakes
Respect, appreciation, sustainability...
You want to know what is really important to us?